Infant Care
Our infant care provides nurturing, personal care to help build your infant’s self-esteem. We adapt to each child’s uniqueness to make sure each child is being cared for in the best way possible according to their personal needs and wants. We provide a safe environment for your infants to move about freely developing large-motor skills.
Each infant room, ranging from six weeks to 12 months, has a sleeping area separate from the classrooms. The sleeping areas have large glass windows so the sleeping infants can be observed at all times.

One-Year-Old Care
Our one-year-old room is very unique. We are starting to prepare them for a scheduled routine once they turn two. They are transitioning onto sleeping mats and are eating meals around the same time as the older children in the building, however, they are very much on their own schedule. Just like the infant room, we adapt to their needs and wants individually and provide quality care for each child. Their large motor skills are very important at this age which makes playtime a big part of their day. Themed units and lesson plans are introduced to this age group for a variety of daily experiences.

Two-Year-Old Care
Social interaction is key for two to two and a half year olds. A lot of activities provided in these classrooms are focused around socialization through play. Some areas of play include language, art, sensory, music, movement, dramatic play, gross and fine motor, and self-help skills.
The two classrooms provided for this age group are separated by a changing area as well as child-sized toilets for potty-training. Teamwork is a big part of potty-training, making sure what is happening at home is consistent with potty-training in our classrooms.

ABC’s and 123’s are just the beginning of what Sunny Day has to offer! Preschool at Sunny Day is provided for children ages 3-5 years old. We provide multi-age curriculums to guide your child throughout the preschool years. This allows your child to move from one developmental stage to another within a single program. Themes are provided each week and are the same throughout the building so we can incorporate different activities into our learning. This includes fun meals, fieldtrips, and parties to go along with our themes. Our main focus is preparing the children for their future in a school setting. We do this by guiding development of their social, emotional, and physical abilities throughout their years here at Sunny Day.

Waupaca 4 Year Old
Kindergarten (4K)
Sunny Day Child Care & Preschool is a W4K Community Partner with the Waupaca School District. Our center offers two 4K sessions, a morning session from 7:50-11am and an afternoon session from 11:50-3pm. Our 4K site has a Wisconsin Licensed Preschool Teacher and Teacher Aide. Our site follows the District’s highly researched, play based curriculum Teaching Strategies, and is based on the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. Our Mission as a collaborative community is to ensure quality learning experiences for our four-year-old children now and in the future.

After School Program
Sunny Day provides an after school program both on and off site. Children in kindergarten until the age of seven ride a bus to Sunny Day provided by the school district to participate in after school activities. Roll call is taken upon the children's arrival to ensure all children are safe and accounted for. Some after school activities provided at Sunny Day are, but not limited to; large motor play, games, social interactions with peers and snack time.. Our off-site program is provided for children ages seven to 12 and is located at the Waupaca Learning Center. The activities provided include, but not limited to; homework help, independent learning opportunities, games and snack time.

Transportation Service
In 2013, Sunny Day purchased a 13 passenger van we have named, The “Giddy Up” Van. We have used it for a number of things from shopping for the center to transporting staff and children to different events. Some of the activities we have provided transportation for have been smaller fieldtrips and transporting staff to different classes to further their education. We transport children to and from some community-based activities such as swimming lessons and summer school. We are always open to suggestions for future activities for your children to be involved in as a courtesy to our Sunny Day families.